Top 10 Aphrodisiac Foods For Better Sex Life

Sex is not a dirty word. It is not something that needs to be swept under the carpet. Sexual dysfunctions can play havoc with a person’s health – both mental and physical. They can also ruin many a relations. Aphrodisiacs have been used since time immemorial to help cure these sexual dysfunctions.
Aphrodisiac foods are natural sources that can boost the sexual desire in both the genders. According to the professionals and food reviewers, these foods have certain enzymes that can play around with the sex hormones in the body and lead to proper stimulation. Regular consumption of aphrodisiac foods mentioned in the list below can help you achieve a great sex life! That got your attention, didn’t it?

Top 10 Aphrodisiac Foods

1. Hot Chillies:

Hot and fiery chillies available in the market are known to contain an enzyme called Capsaicin. This particular enzyme is known to improve the blood circulation in the body. Consuming these hot chillies can turn you on sexually! So, if a low libido is what is concerning you, include chillies in your daily diet – but in moderate numbers!

2. Bananas:

The high level of minerals present in bananas makes them a top class aphrodisiaque! Magnesium, potassium and vitamin B are important for improving the libido. Along with this, banana also contains bromeliad enzymes that are known to work wonders and improve the sexual desire in men.

3. Avocados:

The levels of vitamin E in avocados make them the perfect choice as an aphrodisiac food. Avocados help in stimulating testosterone, progesterone and estrogens in men and women, which in turn help improve their sex life! It works wonders for vaginal lubrication in women as well.

4. Chocolate:

Dark chocolate is known to contain a famous chemical called Phenylethylamine that leads to feelings of sexual excitement in both men and women. Just a piece of dark and sugar free chocolate each day can help you achieve that perfect sex life!

5. Oysters:

Yes, it is true. Oysters are among the best aphrodisiaques around! The high levels of zinc in this particular sea food helps in giving a boost to the testosterone levels in the body that helps in pumping up a good sexual desire. Try to have them at least once a week.

6. Red Wine:

The antioxidant ‘resveratrol’ present in red wine is what helps the body relax. It helps in improving the blood flow to the sex organs and also helps the circulation of blood during sex. It is one of the best foods to rely on for super sex.

7. Vanilla:

A simple way to use vanilla is to include it with your desserts after a meal and see how well it works! The aroma of vanilla itself will help you get into ‘the’ mood.

8. Pomegranates:

The high content of antioxidants in pomegranates will take your sexual desires to the peak! Pomegranate protects the blood vessel lining and helps blood to circulate more freely to the sexual organs. This cause’s increased sensitivity in the genital area, which helps in ramping up sexual drive!

9. Watermelon:

The phytonutrient, citrulline present in this juicy fruit, helps in an uplift of nitric oxide in the body resulting in relaxation of the blood vessels and speeding of the blood flow. This will make you feel aroused in less amount of time.

10. Honey:

Boron is one of the rare minerals that is present in honey and used for helping the female sex hormone to metabolize. It also enhances the levels of testosterone in the body. This sticky liquid works wonders for both men and women when it comes to sex. Honey also contains B vitamins that will help you spice up your sex life!