3 Super Healthy Green Smoothie Recipes to Jump-start Your Weight Loss

Drinking smoothies for weight loss is gaining popularity due to its numerous health benefits. It doesn’t even feel like a strict weight loss regime when you are on a smoothie diet. There are tons of different smoothies that you can drink, which are so healthy and rich, yet help you burn those calories. Smoothies are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that maintain our overall health. A smoothie is a drink which can be consumed by anybody irrespective of the age. From kids to adults, everyone loves smoothies.

Smoothies come in different colors and flavors, but the green smoothies are  the best of the lot. Most green smoothies are rich in fibers and help to maintain the overall health of the body. This beverage also provides the body with some bio-nutrients too. There are loads of different smoothie recipes available, but we have three of the best, all time favorite green smoothie recipes here, just for you!

Parsley Pear Green smoothie Recipe

Most people are skeptical about adding green vegetables to their smoothies, but they change their opinions after drinking this one. Parsley has a pungent and powerful taste so it gives the drink a healthy twist. Pears and parsley make a great combination for a smoothie, as both of them are rich in nutrients and help the body not just to lose weight but in several other health aspects too.
The ingredients required to prepare this smoothie are 1 Asian pear, half an avocado, 1 medium sized apple, 1 royal gala apple, 2 ripe and colorful plums, 6 medium sized bananas and a whole bunch of parsley. First, you should wash all the fruits and parsley thoroughly in water. De-seed the apples, pears, plums and avocados and take off their stems. Peel the bananas and roughly chop up all the fruits and add it to a blender. Add the other ingredients like parsley, water, ice cubes and run the blender until you end up with a green, creamy composite.

Kimberley Synder’s green glowing smoothie

This smoothie is recommended for an everyday breakfast alternative as it has a perfect balance of fruits and vegetables in it. These ingredients are nutrient rich and burst with minerals and vitamins. So, it’s a very healthy drink to kick start your mornings.
You will need 1 cup of spinach, 1 head of romaine lettuce, 1 apple, 1 pear, 1 banana, 3 celery stems and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. De-seed the apples and pears and remove their cores. Peel the banana and chop everything roughly. Add all the ingredients into the blender in the same order as listed above along with 2 cups of strained water. Run the blender for about 2 minutes until you end up with a luscious green beverage.

Mojito inspired green glowing monster smoothie

This fancy recipe is great not just for weight loss, but for healthy and glowing skin too. Make this recipe to enjoy several health benefits with one drink. This smoothie is a perfect blend of watermelons and leafy greens, that can boost the body with a whole lot of nutrients.
You will need a bowl of cubed watermelon, one cup of baby spinach or other leafy greens, 3 tablespoons of fresh avocado flesh, 250 ml of coconut water, 5-10 fresh mint leaves and 2 teaspoons of lime juice. To prepare this, you need to freeze the watermelon cubes overnight to have completely frozen cubes. Add all the ingredients into a high speed blender and run it till a creamy, composite mixture is formed. Pour into a glass and serve chilled.
Drink these smoothies regularly to lose weight in a healthy way. These green smoothies are power banks of vitamins and minerals and can energize the body in no time. A glass of green smoothie everyday with your regular meals can do wonders with weight loss and other health issues.