Top 5 Diet Plans for Quick Weight Loss And Their Benefits

Losing weight is a never-ending obsession. Keeping this in mind, new diets have been coming up, each promising to be the best weight-loss diet plan! To be honest, not all of them have been effective in making people lose weight and some have caused adverse effects on people’s health. Before starting any diet, it is important to make sure that you consult a physician to see whether the diet plan you have in mind is suitable for your health.

Top 5 Quick Weight Loss Diet Plans:

A lot of people who are over-weight want to lose those extra pounds fast. Although there are quite a few diet plans that can help you achieve this, they are not all effective. As mentioned earlier, some can pose serious threat to your health. It is wise to choose a diet plan that helps you lose weight and keeps you fit and healthy at the same time.
Here is a look at the top 5 quick weight loss diet plans that can help you shed your extra weight fast:

1. Weight Watchers:

This is a diet plan for quick weight loss that is popular, especially among celebrities. The plan’s aim is to make sure that you do eat but only healthy foods. All you have to do is sign up for the diet’s ProPoints plan. Different foods have different points that add up to your limit for the week. Your weekly limits are defined by your health and also by how much weight you want to shed.
  • Experts say that Weight Watchers is a diet plan that allows you to eat healthy foods that give you the nutrition that your body requires. No foods are banned by this diet program. Fresh vegetables and fruits are a must. Instead of counting calories, you concentrate on the quality of the foods you consume. You also have a support group to help you and be there for you in times of need. This is a great way to lose weight as you do not only eat healthily but also have people to help when there are days that make you want to binge on fattening foods.

2. The Paleo Diet:

This is a diet plan that was designed to make people eat the way our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic Age. Cereal grains, processed foods, dairy products, potatoes and beans are banned by this diet plan. There is no strict rule as such except for the barring of carbohydrate-rich foods. Meat lovers will love this diet for quick weight loss as it encourages the inclusion of fish, lean meats as well as eggs. Fruits and vegetables are of course a must. Our ancestors survived on these foods and stayed healthy and strong. There is no reason why we should not be able to do the same.
  • Experts say that it is a tough diet to follow for those who cannot do without carbohydrates. However, being able to eat lean meat and salads can make going through the diet less challenging and help you feel full without gaining any extra pounds.
  • 3. The 5:2 Diet:

  • This is one of the most popular diet plans of 2012. It involves eating your normal diet for 5 days and then fasting for the next 2. This helps in decreasing your calorie intake to a quarter of what your body normally takes in on a daily basis. Fasting here does not mean totally abstaining from food but rather eating small quantities of foods that make you feel full easily. Celebrities like Beyonce and Jennifer Aniston swear by this diet. Their extremely fit figures are proof of the wonders this diet does.
    • Experts recommend this diet as gourmet food. It can be enjoyed by dieters even while they are on the fasting days. It is also one of the few diet plans that have been properly researched by medical experts. You can even get a 5:2 recipe book to cook delicious meals that are healthy and helpful for weight loss.

    4. The Dukan Diet:

  • There are four phases to this diet. The first is to make sure that you eat protein-rich foods such as lean meats, eggs, fish, etc. for the first 2 to 5 days. The next phase involves the introduction of fresh veggies to your diet. You can eat veggies with the recommended protein sources or stick to just veggies. Starchy foods are a no-no at this point. Grains, pulses and fruits should also be eliminated from your diet. This routine should be followed until you reach your target weight.
    • The next phase allows you to return to your normal diet without making you put on any extra pounds. You can enjoy two slices of bread, some cheese and a fruit. Carbohydrates in two servings are also permitted during this stage of the diet. After this stage, you can return to your normal everyday diet for 6 days a week and keep a day for meals with protein only.
    • For this diet to work, experts say that you need to be dedicated and strong-willed. You should also take multivitamins to ensure that your body is not deprived of any nutrients as this diet makes you cut off certain food groups that are vital for health. If your body does not receive necessary nutrients, you will lose weight unhealthily and that could cause many problems for your health in the long run.

    5. The Clean and Lean Diet:

  • This diet plan involves the consumption of foods that are fresh and unprocessed. Artificial food flavourings as well as preservatives should be totally avoided, so you will need to say goodbye to takeaways and ready meals. The foods that are part of your diet need to have no more than 6 ingredients to make sure that they are as close to being natural as possible.
  • This diet has no specific eating plan or routine. You should eat three meals on a daily basis and incorporate proteins, fats and vegetables. The protein that you eat can be in the form of lean meats, fish, eggs, etc. Healthy fats can be derived from nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, etc. You need to make sure that your body gets the required amount of vitamins and minerals so fill your plate with colorful veggies, such as broccoli, sweet potatoes, spinach and peppers.
  • According to the experts, the Clean and Lean Diet is one of the best diets as eliminating processed foods is very important even if you do not need to lose weight. You do not get lost out on any nutrients and can eat most foods. All that you are required to do is watch the size of the portions that you take in and eat healthily.
  • Benefits of These Quick Weight Loss Diet Plans:

    These top 5 diets are followed by celebrities, both male and female. It not only helps lose weight fast but also gives a healthier body from the inside. Many diets are great because they do not just help you lose weight but also make sure that you consume the right foods instead of the ever-popular and convenient fast foods that are everywhere. Junk food with artificial flavourings and sweeteners has become a normal diet for many people, causing obesity and heart-related diseases. The young and old are plagued by these health conditions due to the lack of fresh and healthy foods in their daily diets.
    These diets allow your body to consume fresh fruits and vegetables which you would not normally think about eating unless you are trying to lose weight. Get the freshest veggies and fruits from organic markets where they sell goods that have been untouched by pesticides and other chemicals. With nutrient-rich foods going into your body without over-eating, you can shed the extra weight much faster and more easily. Reintroducing home-cooked meals with fresh ingredients is a great way to stay slim and keep you and your family safe from heart diseases,diabetes, obesity, etc.
    With the help of these 5 diets, you can lose weight and regain your health. Do remember that it is not only what you eat or do not eat that will help in shedding those extra pounds. Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle are just as important as the diet you choose. You should also remember to consult your physician to make sure which diet would be best for you before you begin any one of them. The diet that you opt for needs to be suitable for your state of health, especially if you suffer from certain health problems.
    Start on one of these great diet plans to lose weight faster and get back your confidence. With your willpower and discipline, you can achieve your target weight with ease if you follow the plans perfectly. Keep away from unhealthy foods and start living a healthier lifestyle and encourage your loved ones to do the same. The benefits you reap will be plentiful!